Wednesday, January 21, 2009


wooooo so today i ran/walked 1 mile in 17 minutes. and i actually ran 7 of those minutes. i haven't done that since elementary school, so i'm HYPED!!! i'm very proud of myself. im a little tired and very stinky lol i think this 40 degree weather helped me run better. so i'm getting there.

Monday, January 19, 2009

disney marathon 2010

well well well i am back. i've strayed bc i found Facebook. and omg it's addicting lol but i need to starting a journal which FB doesn't let me do. so why do i have to start a journal?? well to document my journey silly. lol

In early january greg and i went to disney for marathon weekend. he ran the half marathon (13.1) miles and i could not believe how very proud of him i was/am. and he inspired me to do it. no he was nagging me but just telling me how the run was. and well i wanted to know what that was like. so i told him i would do it next year. and so my training has begun. I'm following Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds for the first 6 wks, and then i'll start on some running regiments. my goal is not to the run the whole thing, but do a combo run/walk. Today i tried it out and did 2 miles in 35 minutes running/walking. and it may not sound like much, but i'm very proud. i've never done that before. im tired, but looking forward to walking again tomorrow.

so that's what i've been up to. so i just need a place to vent, post, share all this stuff. wish me well i'll need it!