Friday, March 14, 2008

day 4 of my "cold"

idk wtf i have but i thought i was getting better yesterday. and then i sit down to watch LOST and BAM! stuffy nose, runny nose, head hurts. so back to my tylonal sever sinus horse pills, spray some zicam up my nose and blow it back out. and today i felt worse!! but i refused to be held up at home yet another day. so off to the mall we go. bought some stuff at disney as usual and then gymboree for my new nephew. and i'm still suffering as i sit here and type. but yet somehow writing makes me feel good. im really starting to like this blog thing. so what if no one reads it, well except for auds lol, but it's just nice to post things i find funny/interesting/amusing.


Anonymous said...

Awwwww hope you feel better soon! Of course it's ok that you added a Spotted Dick widget! I'm all tingly with excitement that someone has added me to theid sidebar. *lol*

I know what you mean about being sick though. We've had it forever and are just now starting to feel human again.

I'll add you to my blogroll favs once The Little Imp is down for the night.


Karelle said...

I hope you feel better soon! And don't feel bad, no one reads my blog either, except for Auds!