Wednesday, April 23, 2008


So this is what i've been up to. i'll just copy and paste from MM.

Wednesday, April 23rd 1:06am
so this evening isa was playing...pushing her baby stroller when all of the sudden she grabs the back of her head and starts screaming. she comes over to me in tears and i start checking her to see if there is anything. and nothing. i take her to greg and we're watching her, and she's still crying and screaming, and he says "get her dressed, we're leaving". well when i lay her down to change her diaper, she starts screaming again..i sit her up and again she's screaming in pain. at this point i know something is def wrong. so we get to the hosptial around 940. 945 the triage nurse sees her and says its prolly an ear infection but wont put drops in her ear bc she says that since she's not really pulling on her ear, it could be something else. we finally see the dr at friggin MIDNIGHT!!! it wasnt even busy but it took that long to see the dr. so dr comes in and already has a sh!t face on bc isa is scared of him. gee i wonder why?? he comes in all mean looking, not even trying to gain her trust and he thinks she's just gonna run to him?? ugh a-hole. so he calls a male nurse in to help him hold her down, which really pissed me off. she's 2 yo, she's not fighting, she's just scared and crying bc we're laying her down, and as i had told him, it hurts her to lay down!! but the nurse was really nice with her, and the dr cleans out a little bit of wax in both ears and says it's an infection. he says that it's worse on her left side, but she keeps grabbing the back of her head on her right side. he insist it's an infection. so he rx her drops and no antibotics, which is fine with me. and send us on our marry way. and from the moment he left the room til the time someone was in there getting payment was, no lie, 3 minutes! but Isa was really good while we were waiting. she just basically was lying on gregs lap. then after the motrin she got real hyper, started singing, counting, talking...she even tried to run around some but she would move her head and she was down crying again. but i'm not convinced with what the dr said. she's still grabbing the back of her head, and that really worries me. so im taking her to her pedi tomorrow. if he tells me the same then i'll feel better, but in the mean time, i'm not convinced. it just feels like there is something more. now she and greg are sleeping soundly. but let me tell u guys, on the way to the hospital, i was soooooo scared i wanted to throw up. this was our first trip to the er and our first ear infection. my heart was beating soo fast, i just wanted to cry. but once i heard "ear infection" from the nurse, i totally calmed down.

ok im so sorry this is sooo long. i'll print it out and save it with her hospital bracelet for prosperity.

Wednesday, April 23 733pm
well my motherly instinct kicked in last night when i KNEW isa didn't have an ear infection. took her to the pedi today and told him the story. he started giggling when i said that "i'm not convinced it's an ear infection, i dont believe the er dr, but if u tell me she has one, then i'll believe you" and he checked her ears and he laughed again, and i said "dang it is an ear infection!" and he "NO!, her ears are perfect!!" i felt like i had gotten the mother of the year award he said he was glad i had come in bc now she doesnt have to take any meds that she doesnt need. and he massaged her neck, which is something the ER dr did NOT do, and he said "i found it!" and he blurted out TORTICOLLIS! hahaha i was like wth?? and he explained that it usually happens in the morning after we've been sleeping in a certain position and then we jerk our heads and that pain, thats what she has. but luckily this morning she took a shower with me, and the warm water really helped her. after the shower she was completely different and she hasnt really complained again from the pain, though she still cautiously turns her head.

so the sucky er dr was completely WRONG! thank god for my pedi!!! i'm gonna write a nasty little letter to the hospital. the more i think about it the more upset i get.

thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. it really meant a lot see everyone sending them.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

are u effing kidding me???

stories like these make me wanna scream. if i was a cop, i would have shot him dead on the spot. and why in the world do they even have bail available to them?? can someone pls kill him with the sane controller GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Girl dies after being beaten with video game controller

YORK, Pennsylvania (AP) -- A 2-year-old girl died after being beaten with a video game controller by her mother's boyfriend, police said Tuesday.


Darisabel Baez died Monday. Her mother's boyfriend said he beat the 2-year-old but didn't explain why, police said.

Darisabel Baez's mother overheard the beating Sunday but did nothing until she realized the girl was unconscious, police said. The girl was pronounced dead late Monday at Hershey Medical Center, police Lt. Ron Camacho said.

Homicide was added to the list of charges against Harve L. Johnson on Tuesday; he was already in jail on counts including aggravated assault and reckless endangerment.

The girl's mother, Neida E. Baez, was charged with endangering the welfare of a child.

It was clear from the bruises and other injuries on the little girl's body that Sunday was not the first time she had been abused, Dauphin County coroner Graham Hetrick told WGAL-TV. He said it was one of the worst cases of child abuse he has ever seen.

Baez, 19, called for an ambulance Sunday and said Johnson had brought the unconscious child to her, limp and wet from an attempt to revive her in a bathtub, a police affidavit said.

Johnson, 26, acknowledged beating the girl with a video game controller but did not say why, police said. Baez said that Johnson had abused the girl in the past and that she heard the girl scream after Johnson beat her Sunday, according to the affidavit.

Detective Dana Ward said Baez was charged because she did not intervene or try to get help for Darisabel.

Johnson and Baez remained in custody Tuesday. His bail was set at $200,000; hers was $25,000.

Through police, family members declined requests for interviews Tuesday. Court officials said they did not know whether Johnson and Baez had lawyers to speak for them.

Monday, April 7, 2008

mike hawk

another video that made me laugh til i cried
See more funny videos at CollegeHumor

Picasso has been reincarnated as an elephant

this is surreal. if reincarnation in real, then this is either picasso or monet
See more funny videos at CollegeHumor

i've missed a few days..

sorry i havent up dated, i guess i just havent gotten around to it. so on to some sad but hopeful news. one of my MM mama needs our positive thoughts sent her way. she recently found out that one of her 2 yo twins has an acute form of leukemia. i honestly cried when she told us. since then i cant stop thinking of her and her family. there is no way i can even begin to imagine what she's going thru. u truly have to find some hidden strengths in order to watch your child go thru surgeries and chemo. and from her updates, he's been a trooper. luckily they found it early enough that it had not spread into the bloodstream, only the bone marrow. i find it amazing how i can honestly, truly feel heartache for someone that i've never met in person, nor spoken to on the phone, just chatting online and gift exchanges. i think that speaks volume, that we can feel for someone without completely knowing them. so that's whats been occupying my mind lately.