Monday, April 7, 2008

i've missed a few days..

sorry i havent up dated, i guess i just havent gotten around to it. so on to some sad but hopeful news. one of my MM mama needs our positive thoughts sent her way. she recently found out that one of her 2 yo twins has an acute form of leukemia. i honestly cried when she told us. since then i cant stop thinking of her and her family. there is no way i can even begin to imagine what she's going thru. u truly have to find some hidden strengths in order to watch your child go thru surgeries and chemo. and from her updates, he's been a trooper. luckily they found it early enough that it had not spread into the bloodstream, only the bone marrow. i find it amazing how i can honestly, truly feel heartache for someone that i've never met in person, nor spoken to on the phone, just chatting online and gift exchanges. i think that speaks volume, that we can feel for someone without completely knowing them. so that's whats been occupying my mind lately.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I got your text Sunday afternoon about K and Joey. I phoned Katie and I've also got K's email address and am going to email her directly. But thanks for letting me know, otherwise, it wouldn't have been until I came out here and read this, that I would have known anything was wrong.

I think K must be blessed with an amazing spirit to be going through all she has. First losing precious little Areona, and now dealing with this. I can't imagine her heartache. It makes me want to grab the little imp and hold her close to me and not ever let go. Especially seeing as how I have traveled the same road of loss that K has, I just can't imagine something serious happening to my other kids. I am not that strong a woman, and I really admire her strength and faith right now.

Hope all is going well with you and the adorable Isa! lil G sends impish hugs her way!

Talk soon!

Auds might want to change your link for me to read "Barking Mad" as I've changed the name of the blog/site. The URL is still the same, just the name changed.