Monday, June 30, 2008

and so i'm back...

YAY!!! i finally made it back to my blog. i promise to keep it current. so where i have been? well i got a j-o-b! woohoo i'm working as an administrator for United Way, and LOVING it! isa started daycare and she had a rough couple of days, but now LOVES going to school. and she's already potty trained. she pooped in the potty today! haha yeah so that's where i've been. im usually at work before 830 and out by 6pm (if i'm lucky). so i get home and the last thing i wanna do is sit in front of my comp lol but since i see kd and auds are so worried about me, i'll keep posting something. and you know there have been lots of stories that i've been wanting to post. so keep an eye open for wacky news stories!!

ok peoples gotta run!
loves ya!!!


Anonymous said...

YEAH! I had to track you down yesterday! Nice chatting with you BTW! Don't be a stranger! Give Isa some kisses from the NW!!

Anonymous said...

You better believe we were worried about you...I almost sent the Southern Florida British Maffia (which is more scary sounding that the actual's just a bunch of old British retirees that will chase you around with teapots and spotted dick...for some that's terrifying enough!) down to check on you.

So glad that all is going well. And a job eh? Glad you like it and that Isa is adjusting well to school.

I must admit, I am VERY jealous that Isa is potty trained. Gabz just doens't care and doesn't want ANYTHING to do with it. Oh and she's still nursing, like three/four times a day. Um yeah, I'm doomed.

Glad you're back!